Five Key Reasons You Should Address Vision Loss

You may think of vision problems as being limited to just your eyes. The truth is that problems with your eyes can be much more serious. There are many reasons why you should be attentive to your vision health. Here's a look at some of the key reasons that your eye health and vision make a big-picture difference.

Your Lifespan May Depend on It

Since vision loss can hinder your ability to do routine tasks and keep up with your daily life, it can also shorten your lifespan. Difficulties with shopping, telephone use and even basic housekeeping can lead to a need for assisted living, which may reduce your activity levels and fundamental health.

You May Have Undiagnosed Health Conditions

There are many health conditions that can be apparent in eye exams before many of the other symptoms actually appear. By maintaining your eye health and vision, you will be able to identify these signs and symptoms more easily.

The sooner you identify health conditions like hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, the better your chances are of keeping serious health side effects at bay. In addition to these conditions, your routine eye exams may also help to identify your stroke risk. Images of the back of your eye, taken during the eye exam, will illustrate your risk of stroke.

You'll Be Able to Reduce Your Depression Risk

Adults with vision loss are more likely to suffer from depression, particularly because vision loss can interfere with routine social activities. When vision loss leads to isolation, it can cause feelings of depression. By visiting your eye doctor regularly and looking into vision correction, you may be able to restore some of your lost vision and regain your active social life.

Your Vision Loss Can Lead to Anxiety Disorders

Since vision loss can reduce your overall quality of life and can make your immediate surroundings difficult to see clearly, it can cause some anxiety. If you find yourself constantly worried or concerned about what you cannot see or you feel anxious about the shadows in your vision, you should talk to your eye doctor about vision correction.

You Could be at Greater Risk of Injury

A loss of peripheral vision and a reduction in your immediate field of vision can increase your risk of car accidents, falls and other injuries. When you can't see your surroundings clearly, you're more likely to either trip over something that's just outside your field of vision or strike a car that's not only in the blind spot of your mirrors but also in the blind spot of your field of vision.

As you can see, there are many reasons to keep up with your routine vision care. If you suffer from vision loss, talk to your eye care professional (such as those from Dixie Ophthalmic Specialists at Zion Eye Institute) about the potential for vision correction surgery.
